Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lemme clarify

Recently I found some weight in somebody's say on one of my blog posts, and I was more than happy to have that incorporated.

Now here's why it mattered and was incorporated -

1. The 'say' or 'feedback' so to say resonated with my own thoughts.
2. I know this person, trust his intentions and respect him.
3. This person is also a blogger and I can be at peace as far as his knowledge 'of the subject', and 'of the matter' is concerned. For he works and stays in the same place which is being talked about in the blog.

What this does mean

1. I am all ears when it comes to feedback, that matters.
2. I am all ears when it comes to somebody whom I respect and trust. I am all ears when it comes with the right intentions.
3. I don't mind flaunting a bit of my life, for its still me who decides how much can you peek in. For it's still me who owns that life.  Right?
4. I love playing with words. No seriously. I mean it. If you are game, welcome aboard.  
5. I enjoy seeing the no. of hits I get on my blog. It's one of the easiest mediums to promote my blog. Given the time bound life I live as a working mother, more so as a single working mother. Yeah. I just announced it.

Any which ways.

What this does not mean

Just about anybody/anything that does not comply with either of the above would be given a damn.

Hope that clarifies.

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