Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Genie is out of the bottle!

From long-lost ages of captivity
Of camouflaged paradise
Of piercing blues

The era of  freedom, as she whims into
With a soul mildly intoxicated
And eyes softly moistened

For the winds of ecstasy
Of reality, of calming madness
Gust pass the Lady from all corners

Answering to no law
but to her own
Merciless, more than ever
Compassionate yet as she is

With her soul and her body
For life, for death
After all those years
Genie is out of the bottle!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Speechless. Who's the protagonist, may I ask..?

Reema said...

Beautiful! !

Nelofur said...

Thanks Ms Hope :) Let's just say it's me... :)

Thank you Reema! :)

payn said...

Once again truly beautiful expressions in your blog. Gives me a lot of peace to think that i might hear of something nice that has happened in your life recently. I'm waiting Neha!!

Nelofur said...

Thanks @payn. Talk about nice/non-nice :-)
Based on some not so widely known rumor, genies should not be let out of the bottle for one's own safety. Their being out is known to cause something bad around. However, the Genie might of course be breathing her freedom, or something good in her life. As is being acknowledged in the blog, and is rightly interpreted by you. But in nutshell the overall situation (of the universal good and bad) nullifies itself. Doesn't it? :)

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