Saturday, August 23, 2014


Rum and coke, coke on the side. Tall glass!
Wearing a short grey formal dress and black heels; set off with smoky eyes, creamy violet lips - dipped in silver gloss; the just-showered, raw messy hair curling down through the neck onto the shoulders; and a bit of orchid sprinkled here & there, I walk into the pub, wallow in the crazy hour, and mark my exit, but not before I break into that 'classic' smile, and salute those peculiar gazes. Thus hushing all the noises, around me, within me.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Matters of the heart

Dear Leonardo DiCaprio,

In small dozes, you entertain. In large, you become a habit. You made me keep on watching you, and watching you in the middle of all possible chaos in/around me. Finished with all you had to give in the last decade. Yeh Dil Maange More and you are going on a big long break! So you enjoy, alright! You deserve it. Buttt.. Come back soon! Waiting for your 2015 releases.

Fanly yours,

I am not a psychitzophrenic

With "Eyes wide Shut", "Saw" "Shutter Island" from "Rear window" with "The Lover" in "Hostel". Oh! That "Fatal Attraction" became a "Memento" for life! And I became a "Devil's Advocate" for "127 hours". For "A Beautiful Mind" always carries "The Butterfly Effect" even when in "Fight Club". Well, well, I am still not a pschizophrenic, and so am I.

Shutter Island

My take away from the movie - Shutter Island -

(Big) Thank God! At least me myself and all around me know me as Neha Saluja and not as Sana Julieah. Some know me as Nelofur though ;-)
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